Information taken from: William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
was first published in 1883 by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL.
farmer, P. O. Howard, was born in Maine in l819. When nineteen
years of age he emigrated to Canada and lived in Canada and Michigan until 1850,
when he settled in Lee County, Ill. From there settled in Black Hawk County,
Iowa, remaining there until the spring of 1871, when he came to Kansas, locating
in Elk County, taking a claim on Section 23, Township 3?0, Range 10. He was
forty-five miles from a railroad point, twenty-five miles from a mill, and with
all the drawbacks connected with the settlement of a new country. His place is
situated on Mound Branch Creek, and is a nice stream formed by numerous springs.
He has planted a fine grove of maples and cottonwood trees and a fine orchard of
apples, peaches and a variety of small fruits, and a nice little vineyard. Has
sixty-fire acres in cultivation, good stone house and is raising stock to some
extent. He is a pleasant and hospitable gentleman and highly respected by all.
He was married in 1844 to Miss Rebecca Abell, of Canada. They have seven
children living - Martha A., Abelina, Olive, Ella, Arthur D., Alwilda and
Allena. He is a member of the Baptist Church.
Descendants of David Baker
Generation No. 1
1. DAVID BAKER (SIMON1)1,2,3,4 was born June 05, 1819 in Houlton, Aroostook, ME, USA, and died November 25, 1906 in Crawford, Dawes, NE, USA. He married
REBECCA ABELL5,6,7 1842 in Aylmer, Elgin, Ontario8, daughter of DANIEL ABELL and ANNIE BEARES. She was born August 28, 1822 in ,Aylmer, Ontario, Canada9, and died December 27, 1905 in Crawford, Dawes, NE, USA.
Burial: Moline, Elk, KS, USA
Burial: Moline, Elk, KS, USA
Children of DAVID BAKER and REBECCA ABELL are:
i. MARTHA ANN3 BAKER10,11, b. June 21, 1845, ,, Canada; d. 1925, Reinbeck, Grundy, IA, USA; m. ALBERT VITTUM11, March 14, 1870, , Blackhawk, IA, USA; b. September 23, 1831, Sandwich, NH, USA; d. 1918, Reinbeck, Grundy, IA, USA.
Burial: Lincoln Cemetery, Reinbeck, Grundy, IA, USA
Burial: Lincoln Cemetery, Reinbeck, Grundy, IA, USA
ii. ADONIAN J BAKER12,13, b. 1847, ,, Canada.
iii. ABELINA BAKER14,15, b. November 07, 1848, ,, Canada; d. January 02, 1929; m. JAMES MARTIN15; b. Abt. 1831, ,, Ireland.
Burial: Moline, Elk, KS, USA
iv. OLIVE BAKER16, b. April 24, 1851, Wyoming, Lee, IL, USA; m. WILLIAM FREDRICK WEBB17; b. September 08, 1842, London, England; d. April 08, 1924, Perry, Noble, OK, USA.
Burial: ,, OK, USA
Cause of Death: Cancer of the neck
v. ELLA BAKER18,19, b. 1853, Wyoming, Lee, IL, USA; m. BECK19.
vi. ARTHUR DORCY BAKER20,21, b. January 24, 1856, Waterloo, Blackhawk, IA, USA; d. November 01, 1908, Crawford, Dawes, NE, USA; m. NANCY ELLEN LONG21, September 18, 1881, Howard, Elk, KS, USA; b. November 19, 1851, Miami, OH, USA; d. March 06, 1939, Crawford, Dawes, NE, USA.
Burial: November 03, 1908, Crawford, Dawes, NE, USA
vii. ALWILDA BAKER22,23, b. 1859, Waterloo, Blackhawk, IA, USA; m. DANIEL W LONG23, July 12, 1883, Howard, Elk, KS, USA.
viii. ALLENA BAKER24,25, b. February 16, 1861, Waterloo, Blackhawk, IA, USA; d. July 25, 1901, Moline, Elk, KS, USA; m. CLINTON HOCH25, February 28, 1886, Howard, Elk, KS, USA.
Burial: Moline, Elk, KS, USA
Obit Crawford Tribune December 7, 1906
Died--At the home of his son, near Crawford, Nebraska, on November 25, 1906, David Baker, aged 87 years, 5 months and 20 days.
David Baker was born June 5, 1819 at Houlton, Aroostook Co., Me. At the age of fourteen he moved with his parents to Aylmer, Ontario, Canada, at which he was united in marriage to Rebecca Abell. Later in life he resided in Illinios, Iowa and Kansas.
On the 24th of September, 1864, he enlisted as a volunteer in the First Iowa Battery, Company of Captain Grey, and served to the end of the war, at which time he was honorably discharged. His complete record of service and a copy of his discharge may be found in Carnahan's Manuel of the Civil War. He participated in the battle of Nashville, under General Thomas; also in various other Union battles, for which service he was ranked highly as a citizen soldier.
Mr. Baker united with the Seventh Day Adventist church about ten years ago, prior to which time he had been a trusted member of the Baptist church from early manhood.
His wife died at the home of his son Arthur less than one year ago. He leaves four daughters and one son, Arthur D. Baker, to mourn his loss.
Obituary Crawford Tribune December 29, 1905
Death of Mrs. Rebecca Baker
Died--About noon on Wednesday, December 27, 1905, Mrs. Rebecca Baker, aged 83 years, 2 months and 29 days. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the residence of her son, A. D. Baker, conducted by Elder J. H. Wheeler. The text was "I have fought the good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of
righteousness which Christ, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day, and not only to me, but to all them that love His appearing.' II Tim., iv., 7-8. The remains were brought to Crawford and shipped to Moline, Kansas.
Obituary Nov. 13, 1908 Crawford Tribune:
A. D. Baker one of the respected pioneer residents of western Dawes, died at his home, east of Crawford, Sunday Nov. 1. He was a
consistent member of the Adventists church and was buried at Crow Butte cemetery, Rev. Wheeler
officiating at the funeral.
Obituary Crawford Tribune March 10, 1939
Mrs. N. E. Baker Passes Away
Mrs. Nancy E. Baker passed away at her home in this city on March 6th, 1939, after a short illness, aged 87 years, 3 months and 15 days.
Nancy Ellen Long, daughter of Peter and Catherine Long, was born in Miami County, Ohio, November 19, 1851.
When a child she moved with her parents to Howard, Kansas where she grew to womanhood and was married to Arthur D. Baker on September 18, 1880. To this union six children were born. Chester Roy, David Peter, Arthur Dorey, Jr, Charles Orion, Ernest ??lvm, Florence Evelyn. Her husband, three sons, seven brothers, four sisters, three grandsons and a great-granddaughter have preceded her in death.
In the year of 1888, the family started to move west, the state of Washington being the place they intended to settle but on reaching the Sawlog valley about nine miles southeast of Crawford, they decided to rest a few days and on finding it was homestead land they filed and built up a home there. She endured the hardships of an early pioneer but was always ready and willing to help her neighbors when needed in case of sickness or trouble.
In the year 1920, she moved to this city where she has since resided.
She was baptized and united with Seventh Day Adventist church of Crawford, 41 years ago and as long as she was able, was a regular attendant of church services. Until she was stricken with paralysis on March 1st, she always made a daily study of her Bible.
Besides the two sons, Arthur D. and Charles O. and daughter Mrs. Florence Reeves, she leaves seventeen grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and hosts of friends to mourn their loss.
Funeral services were conducted at the Houston Funeral Home Wednesday at 2:00 P.M. by Elder J. H. Wheeler of Marsland, assisted by Rev. Gaither of the Methodist church and interment made in the Crow Butte cemetery.
Crawford Tribune Dec. 7, 1906
Mrs. A. D. Baker informs us that Mr. Baker has sent for her and her daughter Florence and they will depart the first of next week for Kansas to join husband and father where they will visit relatives the balance of the winter.
A. D. Baker is Arthur Dorcy Baker.